Architecture and Landscape 2022
XV International Architecture and Landscape Workshop
4 - 22 July 2022

Directors: RCR Arquitectes – Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem, Ramon Vilalta
Teaching team: Joan Puigcorbé Punzano, Jaume Prat Ortells, Marc Valero Cano
Duration: 19 days
Teaching load: 120 hours
Open Program load: 18 hours
Level: Advanced
Language: Spanish / English
Place: Barberí Space, Olot (Girona), Spain
XV International Architecture and Landscape Workshop4 - 22 July 2022

Directors: RCR Arquitectes – Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem, Ramon Vilalta
Teaching team: Joan Puigcorbé Punzano, Jaume Prat Ortells, Marc Valero Cano
Duration: 19 days
Teaching load: 120 hours
Open Program load: 18 hours
Level: Advanced
Language: Spanish / English
Place: Barberí Space, Olot (Girona), Spain

Reviews. In addition to the internal corrections with the teaching team, there will be a weekly review with RCR Arquitectes.
Campus. Lectures and corrections in small groups on topics related to the methodology of RCR Arquitectes accompany the exercises.
Excursions to RCR’s works. Guided visits to RCR’s public works in Olot to analyse the critical aspects of the projects for presential participants. In addition, online participants will have access to audiovisuals with explanations by the architects themselves. These videos will also be accessible to presential participants as additional documentation.
Open Program. A selection of video creations precedes the thematic cycle of conferences.
Computer Skills and Technical Requirements

AutoCAD for 2D drawing and 3D modelling, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe InDesign. Optionally, 3D modelling in Rhino or 3DStudio.
Technical Requirements
Computer with a recommended minimum screen resolution of 1440px.
Internet connection is suitable for accessing the e-learning platform, downloading and uploading content and making video calls. Up-to-date browser.
Sign up for a free account of Zoom video conferencing.
Exercise: The Sagrada Família in modern-day Barcelona

The construction of the Sagrada Família church, the work of Antoni Gaudí, began in 1882 and is still in progress. Gaudí proposed inserting the church into the urban fabric of the Eixample district of Barcelona by its representativeness and symbolism. This question has yet to be resolved and is included in the exercise with an approach to the mountain-sea connection to articulate a global strategy as an intervention instrument. The exercise will be carried out in two consecutive editions.
Exercise directed by the tutor Joan Puigcorbé Punzano, with the assistance of Marc Valero Cano.
Participants: Alvaro Lozada, United States of America · Ana María Díaz Parra, Colombia · André Restelli, Mexico · Can Xu, China · David Jesús Garza, Mexico · Elda Luz Hernández Ruiz, Mexico · Giulia Condulmari, Italy · Isidora Sáez, Chile · Juan Diego Torres Fuentes, Spain · Juan Pablo Jiménez González, Mexico · Lee Behar, Israel · María Inés Saavedra Tardío, Bolivia · María Pilar Escobar Llorvandi, Argentina · Maxime Dupont, France · Nadin Youssef, Egypt · Nicolas Beffre, France · Octavio Alonso Preciado Riquelme, Mexico · Tom Félix-Durin, France · Tubohao Yang, China
Exercise: La Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Natural Park Management Centre

The volcanic area of La Garrotxa is the best example of a volcanic landscape in the Iberian Peninsula with exceptional landscape value. The boom in tourism has led to the need to increase the management services of the natural park, which is currently spread over two sites. The exercise plans for the Natural Park Management Centre on the Parc Nou site in Olot act as a hinge between the city, the urban, and the natural park.
Exercise directed by the tutor Jaume Prat Ortells, with the assistance of Marc Valero Cano.
Participants: Andrés Santiago Navor Blanco, Colombia · Anqi Zhan, China · Bruno Collura, Argentina · Carla Pérez García, Spain Carla Archs Martí, Spain · Carlos Vallecillos Moya, Spain · Changyun Sun, China · Cristina Terricabras i Jové, Spain · Egon Metusala, Estonia · Elsa Bureau, France · Fernando José Gómez Vivas, Mexico · Francisco José Pádua Dias Pereira, Portugal · Imma Castelló i Miarnau, Spain · Iñigo Unceta·Barrenechea, Spain · José Ignacio Navas Meza, Colombia · Katia Munjin Paiva, Chile · Marcelo Azevedo, Portugal · María Luciana Lucero Pósleman, Argentina · Mingyue Zhang, China · Victoria Prillo, Spain

Places available: 48 presential places and 24 places online.
Profile: The course is aimed at final-year architecture students and architects.
Registration: It is necessary to fill in the form at Registration.
Registration fee: 50 euros (non-refundable).
Admission process: All those registered will take part.
Admission criteria: Assessment of CV portfolio.
Tuition fees: 750 euros.
Method of payment: Through the Stripe platform.
Certificates of participation: Certificates issued by RCR and the Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB-UPC).

Admission process
Friday, May 20, 2022. Registration deadline.
Friday, May 27, 2022. Communication of admissions and waiting list.
Friday, June 3, 2022. Deadline for payment of tuition fees.
Friday, June 24, 2022. Cancellation deadline.
Extended Admission period
Wednesday, June 15, 2022. Registration deadline.
Thursday, June 16, 2022. Communication of admissions and waiting list.
Friday, June 17, 2022. Deadline for payment of tuition fees.
Friday, June 24, 2022. Cancellation deadline.
XV International Architecture and Landscape Workshop
Monday, July 4, 2022: Start of the workshop
Friday, July 22, 2022: Closure of the workshop
Teaching Team

Joan Puigcorbé Punzano (Barcelona, Spain, 1967) graduated from the Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB-UPC) in 2000. He founded the PAAS architecture studio in Barcelona and Ripoll in 1995, the real estate development company Costa Rica Natural Design in 2008, and has won several international competitions. He has received recognition in the FAD 2013 awards, the Girona Awards in 2005 and 2013 and the René Frank Award in Costa Rica in 2012. He first collaborated with RCR Arquitectes from 2003 to 2010 and has continuously since 2020. He is a co-author of the La Lira Theater Public Space in Ripoll. In addition, he has been a tutor at the RCR Summer Workshop from 2014 to 2020.

In collaboration with the Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB-UPC)
Jaume Prat Ortells (Barcelona, 1975) is an architect from the Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB-UPC), 2002. Author of the blog “Arquitectura, entre d’altres solucions”. He collaborates with various magazines and newspapers, both electronic and on paper, in his different countries. He has developed projects and contest proposals independently with Montserrat Farrés. He has curated, together with Jelena Prokopljevic and Isaki Lacuesta, the Pavelló Català of the Venice Architecture Biennale 2016. Collaborator with RCR Arquitectes at the RCR Summer Workshop since 2013. Professor of projects at ETSAB since 2018. Assessor of the television series on architecture “Escala humana” (Human Scale). He is the current director of the Fundació Arquia Blog.

Workshop and General Coordination Assistant
Marc Valero (Sant Fruitós de Bages, Spain, 1993) is an architect from the Vallès School of Architecture (ETSAV-UPC), 2019. He participated in the X International Architecture and Landscape Workshop 2017 of RCR. In 2020, he was selected for the 1st call for elbulli1846 with Ferran Adrià. Since 2017 he has collaborated with RCR Arquitectes.